
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Baseball's New Drug Problem: What to Do After Alex Rodriguez

The 162-game penalty meted out by baseball's arbitrator barely registered, but the 60 Minutes piece with Tony Bosch seems to have shaken baseball fans. Seeing a snake-oil salesman telling his story made many wonder why several of baseball's biggest stars, including Alex Rodriguez and Ryan Braun, would trust him with their careers.

The better question is how many Tony Boschs there are out there. With a "Low T" clinic on every corner, there's going to be more than a few who think they know how to beat the system. There are always salesmen who can persuade someone who's been told their whole life that they need to be just a little bit better, and baseball players are told so often that PEDs are a magic bullet.

They aren't. 

The drugs listed in this article that I did when the Biogenesis story first broke aren't really the issue. While Tony Bosch showed he wasn't even sure what drugs were banned—he also didn't care—all but one of them has a test in place. What Biogenesis showed is that there are challenges for the drug testers, not that "the cheaters are ahead," as many have put it.

There's no magic drug or protocol that Bosch or anyone else has in baseball or any other sport. What cheaters are doing is using a low amount of testosterone that stays below the detectable level. The question is whether there's any effect using it at a level that is below what is normally used. The levels that Bosch discussed on 60 Minutes are well below the levels that a person using prescription testosterone such as Androgel would be given. 

The success of Bosch's program is illusory. While the 12 athletes who were caught by non-analytic methods got the notice, few remembered that Ryan Braun, Melky Cabrera, Bartolo Colon and Yasmani Grandal all were caught by the testing program. There's likely a few more in the minor leagues as well, though MLB refused comment. 

Bosch's clients were playing roulette, hoping their number didn't come up. They didn't "beat tests" but generally got lucky. Low doses and short detectable periods make it difficult to catch people using, but only on timing, not on testing. If the testers happened to come with a cup, they got caught.

This is not a loophole. This is how a random system is supposed to work. The athletes never know when it might happen, which should be a deterrent to most. With a positive rate below one percent, down from over five percent just a decade ago, the system is working. Increasing the rate of tests would work, yes, but outside of daily testing, the gaps will exist.

What many think is possible with protocols like what Bosch sold simply isn't. There are undetectable drugs, but the reasons go beyond testing. At this time, there's no new "Clear." BALCO sold a drug they called "The Clear," which was an anabolic steroid known as THG that had an unknown chemical structure and therefore couldn't be tested for. (A test was quickly developed when a BALCO rival turned in a sample.) 

Despite continued calls for increased testing and a more sensitive testosterone screen, the costs and ability to conduct that many tests is prohibitive. MLB's drug-testing budget isn't released, but the cost of collection and tests alone put its costs near that of the entire budget for the UK's drug-testing program, one that's being cut over the next few years. While there are certainly small changes needed, MLB's drug testing is singularly effective in sport.

For years, human growth hormone couldn't be tested for, but a test was developed and added to baseball's testing program a few years ago. It is a blood test and there are still serious scientific questions about the effectiveness of that test. Bosch said that Rodriguez used IGF-1, which does not currently have a test, though there are also major questions about the effectiveness of IGF-1.

There is one other drug that is widely used and undetectable. While I don't want to give details, it's a natural substance that simply cannot be tested for, now or in the foreseeable future. There are major side effects to its use, including death, and it requires knowledgeable use or supervision. All major organizations turn a blind eye to this because there is no answer.

The problem is not with the testing but with the fact that baseball and sports in general continue to treat Biogenesis like a singular phenomenon. When the BALCO story broke, it was the same thing. Kirk Radomski? One bad guy. Brian McNamee? One bad guy.

Let's face it, there are a lot of bad guys out there and they're not all stupid. It's the smart ones who should scare us. 

Read more MLB news on BleacherReport.com

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